Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone that came out this past Sunday. The weather did not cooperate all that well, but the waves were solid (Classic May Gray and June Gloom).  Thank you to all of those that bring coffee, donuts, and to Louis Camacho for always showing up and making us breakfast.
Memorial Day Weekend is always tough for some, and it means something different to all of us.  We hope everyone was able to pay respects or remember those close to you and others in your own way.  With that said, if at anytime you need help or know someone that does, please reach out for help.  We are here for you.
For all the new members that showed up and joined we thank you as well. We continue to get new people from all over the United States, obviously more so here in SoCal, and we appreciate it. If anyone has any new volunteer activities or information to share, please send them to us and we will pass it along.  
Our Vice President of the Club Derek Durazo will be graduating from the Lifeguard course aboard Camp Pendleton This Saturday at 1130 DMJ’s at the Amphitheater. One of our own will be watching over the base beaches!!  Congratulations Derek!

As our Goals state we are doing our best to create an environment that enables everyone to grow. 

Club Goals

• Surf

• Surf Together

• Share your surfing adventures with others

• Share your military service with others

• Lend a hand/get involved within your community

• Give back to your fellow veterans with your time and devotion to each other

We have membership drive that is continuous to allow us to have the website and pay for the required insurance on base as a club.  Our apparel is also a fundraiser for us to help pay the bills.  We will be updating our website in some ways to make it easier to order online.  This first year has been a learning curve so I will be working harder to close the gap. 

As a reminder, please go to the Surfing Madonna Project link and sign up to be a volunteer.  As I have stated before this is an extremely rewarding time. Please pay attention to the parking areas for Oceanside as it is limited.  

As a reminder, please go to the Surfing Madonna Project link and sign up to be a volunteer.  As I have stated before this is an extremely rewarding time. Please pay attention to the parking areas for Oceanside as it is limited.  

We are going to assemble a Longboarding team to compete at the Oceanside Longboarding Club contest this summer.  I need your name, age, and gender so that we can assemble the numbers so that I can get us in.  Please send me this information by Sunday evening so that I can submit this the club and get us in. 

There is some great surf lined up for the summer, get after it.  See you in the water!

 – Eric