Good Morning everyone, I wanted to start off by wishing everyone to have a great day today. The surf is looking good, and the weekend looks better. This past weekend was a huge milestone for the club. We were able to collaborate with AmpSurf to get a surf clinic to...
Good Morning everyone, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! We should have waves all week so get some. I wanted to take the time to thank everyone that came out to our meeting and donated a toy for our “Toys For Tots” drive....
Good afternoon everyone, I have been out for two weeks and didn’t send out any follow up, my apologies. I want to thank everyone who attended the Halloween surf meeting. Personally, I thought it was an awesome time. Getting everyone to wear costumes, bring the...
“For those showed up to our meeting on September 12, thank you very much. For those that couldn’t we had about 30-40 people show up throughout the day. We had a BBQ for those that stuck around, we even fed a few Marines and Sailors that walked by. A special thanks to...